The Girl Booker

The Girl Booker

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Anti Book Review

I try to read outside my areas of interest and comfort from time to time, so the other day I thought I'd give trash romance a go. People, I tried to give it a go, I swear! However, the fact of the matter is that I stopped fairly abruptly. I feel rather mean splashing the name of the book and author all over the internettle when I have nothing good to say about either, so all I will tell you as a warning is to watch out for a book that has the world "Island" in the title, and to check for the quotes I mention below:

I found the bottom of page 16 questionable, and it certainly made me flinch a little, but in the spirit of open mindedness I decided to continue. So it wasn't the following exchange that put me off:

'Get me a girl,' he instructed as soon as she came on the line. 'And make it quick.'
There was only one thing he needed right now: a fucking blow job.

Charming, no? Nevertheless, I persevered. Or attempted to. The absolute deal breaker was only on page 19, the drama-filled opening of chapter 1:
Loriana Garcia Torres was reading a novel. It was a good one.

Blow jobs and swearing I can handle, stupidly bad writing I cannot.


  1. i used to eat books like that as a horny teenager, and would put up with any amount of dreadful writing in the hope that there might be some torrid sex scene buried in the turgid prose.

  2. Rosie, I may or may not have attempted this book for that very reason but found I just could NOT go through with it!!

  3. I guess that means you're not a horny teenager anymore!

  4. It's still better than Cathy Lamb.

  5. Ryan - oh deary me - it's *better* than something?
